name: inverse layout: true class: center, middle, inverse --- # Research Methods: Workshop 1 Weiguang Cui .red[*] .right[### Go back to [Course site](] .footnote[.red[*] Email:] --- ## Preparing 1: Where to find the literatures/information? --- layout: false .left-column[ ### Online search ] .right-column[ 1. ADS: []( **The most highly used database in Astronomy.** How to use it?? 2. arXiv: []( **For the latest (maybe unpublished) papers** 3. Google Scholar: []( 4. Bing Academic: []( 5. Online courses: 6. Wikipedia: []([*] [!] .footnote[.red[*] Should you trust it?] ] ??? Do the example for using ads --- .left-column[ ### Online search ### Offline marterials ] .right-column[ - Libraries. - Text books. - Ask the[*]. .footnote[.red[*] I think this is the most efficient way!] ] --- template: inverse ## Preparing 2: Tools for organizing your library --- name: Tools 1. Mendeley: []( 2. Papers: []( --- template: inverse ## Some background for the Key paper --- template: inverse # the component of the Universe  --- template: inverse class: middle, center # the dark-matter simulation
 --- template: inverse # The weaklensing technique .left-eq-column[
] .right-eq-column[
] --- name: last-page template: inverse ## That's all folks (for now)! Slideshow created using [remark](