Recent Research Highlights

  • The HYENAS project
  • OUr new HYENAS galaxy group project with its first ( Cui et al. 2024 ) and second paper ( Jennings et al. 2024 ) is out! X-ray detection of galaxy groups are extremely hard, using the HYENAS galaxy group simulation -- a careful selected sample for resimulation, we predicted that, at the same halo mass, the early-formed halos tend to host more hot gas, thus can exceed the X-ray telescope's detection limit. While finding late-formed ones can be difficult. This leads to X-ray selected galaxy groups are a biased sample! Though, galaxy groups occupies the highest halo mass fraction ( Cui 2024 ), we should be careful to them for cosmology due to this bias. In Jennings' paper, we studied the X-ray cavities -- a key feature (or smoking gun) for the AGN feedback, HYENAS agrees with observation in different aspects, which lead us to understand and constrain the observed AGN activities more accurately -- paving the road to fully understand the role of AGN feedback in galaxy formation.
  • Predicted galaxy cluster mass by machine learning
  • With a trained machine learning (ML) model, we, **for the first time**, made predictions on the cluster masses observed by Planck satellite. This work is published in the recent Nature Astronomy Journal (here is the link ). This work inspires future ML techniques in solving astronomy problems, not only in data analysis, model calibration, but also possibly in solving these fundamental questions. More information can be found in these blogs and websites: UE news , notiweb , and also here .
  • The Three Hundred project: The GIZMO-SIMBA run
  • Our new GIZMO-SIMBA run of the300 galaxy clusters is now out! Check this published paper here: 10.1093/mnras/stac1402 , my presentation and this blog article.
  • The colour bimodality in SIMBA simulation
  • We show in our recent Nature Astronomy paper that the SIMBA simulation reproduced the observed colour bimodality and further revealed its intrinsic origination -- the halo assembly bias together with SIMBA's unique baryon models. General interests can be found in this news and in my blog .


Weiguang Cui gratefully thanks Comunidad de Madrid for the Atracci\'{o}n de Talento fellowship no. 2020-T1/TIC19882 and STFC for the AGP Grant ST/V000594/1. He further acknowledges the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain) for financial support under Project grant PID2021-122603NB-C21, ERC: HORIZON-TMA-MSCA-SE for supporting the LACEGAL-III (Latin American Chinese European Galaxy Formation Network) project with grant number 101086388 and the science research grants from the China Manned Space Project.
Comunidad de Madrid STFC MCI ERC-MSCA