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Journal Publications (in reversed chronological order, first and corresponding author papers are marked with *):

First author papers: 19; second author papers: 11; third+fourth author papers: 31

--- 2025 (4 papers) ---

120 The nature and evolution of early massive quenched galaxies in the SIMBA-C simulation Szpila, J.; Davé, R.; Rennehan, D.; Cui, W.; Hough, R. T., 2025, MNRAS, tmp, 131S

119 The Three Hundred project: The relationship between the shock and splashback radii of simulated galaxy clusters Zhang, M.; Walker, K.; Sullivan, A. et al. 2025, PASA, 42, 8Z

118 HYENAS: X-ray Bubbles and Cavities in the Intra-Group Medium Jennings, F.~J.; Babul, A.; Dave, R.; Cui, W.; Rennehan, D., 2025, MNRAS, 536, 145J

117 Disparate effects of circumgalactic medium angular momentum in IllustrisTNG and SIMBA Liu K.; Guo H.; Wang, S.; Xu, D.; et al., 2025, A&A, 693A, 48L

--- 2024 (23 papers) ---

116 THE THREE HUNDRED project: Estimating the dependence of gas filaments on the mass of galaxy clusters Santoni, S.; De Petris, M.; Yepes, G. et al. 2024, A&A, 692A, 44S

115 Stellar stripping efficiencies of satellites in numerical simulations: the effect of resolution, satellite properties and numerical disruption Martin, G.; Pearce, F.~R.; Hatch, N.~A.; Contreras-Santos, A.; Knebe, A.; Cui, W., 2024, MNRAS, 535, 2375M.

114 COSMOS brightest group galaxies: III. Evolution of stellar ages Gozaliasl, G.; Finoguenov, A.; Babul, A., et al. 2024, A&A, 690A, 315G.

113 The Three Hundred: The existence of massive dark matter-deficient satellite galaxies in cosmological simulations Contreras-Santos, A.; Buitrago, F.; Knebe, A.; Rasia, E.; Pearce, F. R.; Cui, W.; Power, C.; Winstanley, J., 2024, A&A, 690A, 109C.

112 * The HYENAS project: a prediction for the X-ray undetected galaxy groups Cui, W.; Jennings, F.; Dave, R.; Babul, A.; Gozaliasl, G., 2024, MNRAS, 534, 1247C.

111 The effect of AGN feedback on the Lyman-α forest signature of galaxy protoclusters at z=2.3 Dong, C.; Lee, K.-G.; Cui, W.; Davé, R.; Sorini, D., 2024, MNRAS, 532, 4876.

110 Reconsidering the dynamical states of galaxy clusters using PCA and UMAP Haggar R., De Luca F., De Petris M., Sazonova E., Taylor J.~E., Knebe A., Gray M.~E., et al., 2024, MNRAS, 532, 1031.

109 Simba-C: the evolution of the thermal and chemical properties in the intragroup medium Hough, R.~T.; Shao, Z.; Cui, W. and 5 more, 2024, MNRAS, 532, 476

108 Intrinsic mass-richness relation of clusters from THE THREE HUNDRED hydrodynamic simulations Chen, M.; Cui, W.; Fang, W.; Wen, Z., 2024, ApJ, 966, 227C

107 ELUCID VIII: Simulating the Coma Galaxy Cluster to Calibrate Model and Understand Feedback Luo, X.; Wang, H.; Cui, W. and 9 more, 2024, ApJ, 966, 236L

106 Identifying galaxy cluster mergers with deep neural networks using idealized Compton-y and X-ray maps Arendt, A.~R.; Perrott, Y.~C.; Contreras-Santos, A.; de Andres, D.; Cui, W.; Rennehan, D., 2024MNRAS, 530, 20A

105 The Three Hundred : contrasting clusters galaxy density in hydrodynamical and dark matter simulations Jiménez-Muñoz, A.; Macías-Pérez, J. F.; Yepes, G.; De Petris, M.; Ferragamo, A.; Cui, W.; Gómez, J. S., 2024, A&A, 686A, 257J.

104 The Three Hundred: $M_{sub}-V_{circ}$ relation Srivastava, A.; Cui, W. and 9 more, 2024, MNRAS, 528, 4451S

103 Prospects for studying the mass and gas in protoclusters with future CMB observations Gardner, A.; Baxter, E.; Raghunathan, S.; Cui, W; Ceverino, D. 2024, OJAp, 7E, 2G

102 Characterising the intra-cluster light in The Three Hundred simulations Contreras-Santos, A.; Knebe, A.; Cui, W. and 7 more, 2024, A&A 683, 59C.

101 The Three Hundred Project: Mapping The Matter Distribution in Galaxy Clusters Via Deep Learning from Multiview Simulated Observations de Andres, D.; Cui, W.; Yepes, G., and 5 more, 2024, MNRAS, 528, 1517D

100 Euclid preparation. XXXII. Evaluating the weak-lensing cluster mass biases using the Three Hundred Project hydrodynamical simulations Euclid Collaboration; Giocoli, C., et al. 2024, A&A, 681A, 67E

99 Galaxy cluster mass bias from projected mass maps: The Three Hundred-NIKA2 LPSZ twin samples Muñoz-Echeverría, M.; Macías-Pérez, J. F.; Artis, E.; Cui, W. and 13 more, 2024, A&A, 682A, 124M.

98 The impact of halo concentration on the Sunyaev Zel’dovich effect signal from massive galaxy clusters Baxter, Eric J.; Pandey, Shivam; Adhikari, Susmita; Cui, W.; Shin, Tae-hyeon and 2 more, MNRAS, 527, 7847

97 Outshining by Recent Star Formation Prevents the Accurate Measurement of High-z Galaxy Stellar Masses Narayanan, Desika; Lower, Sidney; Torrey, Paul; Brammer, Gabriel; Cui, W. and 8 more, ApJ, 961, 73

96 Feedback-driven anisotropy in the circumgalactic medium for quenching galaxies in the SIMBA simulations Yang, T.; Davé, R.; Cui, W.; Cai, Y.; Peacock, J.~A. and Sorini, D., 2024, MNRAS, 527, 1612Y

95 The three hundred project: thermodynamical properties, shocks, and gas dynamics in simulated galaxy cluster filaments and their surroundings Rost, A.~M.; Nuza, S.~E.; Stasyszyn, F.; Kuchner, U.; Hoeft, M. Welker, C.; Pearce, F.; Gray, M.; Knebe, A.; Cui, W.; Yepes, G., 2024, MNRAS, 527, 1301R

94 The localization of galaxy groups in close proximity to galaxy clusters using cosmic web nodes Cornwell, D.~J.; Kuchner, U.; Gray, M.~E.; Aragón-Salamanca, A.; Pearce, F. R.; Cui, W.; Knebe, A., 2024, MNRAS, 527, 23c

--- 2023 (11 papers) ---

93 A persistent excess of galaxy-galaxy strong lensing observed in galaxy clusters Meneghetti, M.; Cui, Weiguang; Rasia, E.; Yepes, G.; Acebron, A. and 16 more, 2023, A&A, 678L, 2M

92 SIMBA-C: An updated chemical enrichment model for galactic chemical evolution in the SIMBA simulation Hough, R.; Rennehan, D.; Kobayashi, C.; Loubser, S. I.; Davé, R.; Babul, A.; Cui, W., 2023, MNRAS, 525, 1061H

91 THE THREE HUNDRED Project: the evolution of physical baryon profiles Li, Q.; Cui, Weiguang; Yang, X. and 7 more, 2023, MNRAS, 523, 1228L

90 Boundless Baryons: how diffuse gas contributes to anisotropic tSZ signal around simulated Three Hundred clusters Lokken, M.; Cui, Weiguang; Bond, J.~R.; Hložek, R.; Murray, N.; Davé, R.; van Engelen, A., 2023, MNRAS, 523, 1346L

89 Galaxy pairs in The Three Hundred simulations II: studying bound ones and identifying them via machine learning Contreras-Santos, Ana; Knebe, A.; Cui, W.; Haggar, R.; Pearce, F.; Gray, M.; De Petris, M.; Yepes, G., 2023, MNRAS, 522, 1270C

88 The Evolution and Mass Dependence of Galaxy Cluster Pressure Profiles at 0.05≤ z≤ 0.60 and 4× 10^14 M⊙≤ M 500≤ 30× 10^14 M⊙ Sayers, J.; Mantz, A.~B.; Rasia, E.; Allen, S.~W.; Cui, W.; Golwala, S.~R.; Morris, R.G.; Wan, J.~T., 2023, ApJ, 944, 221

87 The Three Hundred project: A Machine Learning method to infer clusters of galaxies mass radial profiles from mock Sunyaev-Zel’dovich maps Ferragamo, A.; de Andres, D.; Sbriglio, A.; Cui, W.; De Petris, M.; Yepes, G.; Dupuis, R.; Jarraya, M.; Lahouli, I.; De Luca, F.; Gianfagna, G.; Rasia, E., 2023, MNRAS, 520, 4000F

86 The physical nature of circumgalactic medium absorbers in SIMBA Appleby, S.; Davé, R.; Sorini, D.; Cui, W.; Christiansen, J., 2023, MNRAS, 519, 5514A

85 A study of the hydrostatic mass bias dependence and evolution within The Three Hundred clusters Gianfagna, G.; Rasia, E.; Cui, W.; De Petris, M.; Yepes, G.; Contreras-Santos, A.; Knebe, A., 2023, MNRAS, 518, 4238

84 The Three Hundred project: Galaxy groups do not survive cluster infall Haggar, R.; Kuchner, U.; Gray, M. E.; Pearce, F. R.; Knebe, A.; Yepes, G.; Cui, W., 2023, MNRAS, 518, 1316

83 Machine learning methods to estimate observational properties of galaxy clusters in large volume cosmological N-body simulations de Andres, D.; Yepes, G.; Sembolini, F.; Martínez-Muñoz, G.; Cui, W.; et al., 2023, MNRAS, 518, 111

--- 2022 (20 papers) ---

82 * A deep learning approach to infer galaxy cluster masses from Planck Compton-y parameter maps de Andres, D.; Cui, Weiguang; Ruppin, F.; De Petris, M.; Yepes, G.; Gianfagna, G.; Lahouli, I.; Aversano, G.; Dupuis, R.; Jarraya, M.; Vega-Ferrero, J., 2022, Published in Nature Astronomy, 6, 1325D; doi:10.1038/s41550-022-01784-y

81 Effects of Active Galactic Nucleus Feedback on Cold Gas Depletion and Quenching of Central Galaxies Ma, W.; Liu, K.; Guo, H.; Cui, W.; Jones, M.~G.; Wang, J.; Zhang, L.; Davé, R., ApJ, 941, 205

80 A multi-simulation study of relativistic SZ temperature scalings in galaxy clusters and groups Lee, E.; Anbajagane, D.; Singh, P.; Chluba, J.; Nagai, D.; Kay, S. T.; Cui, W.; Dolag, K.; Yepes, G., 2022, MNRAS, 517, 5303,

79 Forecasting the success of the WEAVE Wide-Field Cluster Survey on the extraction of the cosmic web filaments around galaxy clusters Cornwell, D. J.; Kuchner, U.; Aragón-Salamanca, A.; Gray, M. E.; Pearce, F. R.; Aguerri, J. A. L. ; Cui, W., et al., 2022, MNRAS, 517, 1678C

78 Understanding the relation between thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich decrement and halo mass using the SIMBA and TNG simulations Yang, T.; Cai, Y.-C.; Cui, W.; Davé, R.; Peacock, J. A.; Sorini, D., 2022, MNRAS, 516, 4084Y

77 THE THREE HUNDRED: cluster dynamical states and relaxation period Zhang, B.; Cui, W.; Wang, Y.; Dave, R.; De Petris, M. 2022, MNRAS, 516, 26Z

76 A stochastic model to reproduce the star formation history of individual galaxies in hydrodynamic simulations Wang, Y.; Napolitano, N.-R.; Cui, W. and 7 co-authors, 2022, MNRAS, 515, 3249W

75 ELUCID. VII. Using Constrained Hydro Simulations to Explore the Gas Component of the Cosmic Web Li, R.; Wang, H.; Mo, H.-J.; Huang, S.; Katz, N.; Luo, X.; Cui, W.; Li, H.; Yang, X.; Jiang, N.; Zhang, Y. 2022, ApJ, 936, 11L

74 How baryons affect haloes and large-scale structure: a unified picture from the SIMBA simulation Sorini, D.; Davé, R.; Cui, W.; Appleby, S. 2022, MNRAS, 516, 883S

73 What to expect from dynamical modelling of cluster haloes - II. Investigating dynamical state indicators with Random Forest Li, Q.; Han, J.; Wang, W.; Cui, W; De Luca, F.; Yang, X.; Zhou, Y.; Shi, R. 2022, MNRAS, 514, 5890L

72 Groups and Protocluster Candidates in the CLAUDS and HSC-SSP Joint Deep Surveys Li, Q.; Yang, X.; Liu, C.; Jing, Y.; He, M.; Huang, J.; Dai, Y. S.; Sawicki, M.; Arnouts, S.; Gwyn, S.; Moutard, T.; Mo, H.-J.; Wang, K.; Katsianis, A.; Cui, W.; Han, J.; Chiu, I.-N.; Gu, Y.; Xu, H. 2022, ApJ, 933, 9L

71 * THE THREE HUNDRED project: The GIZMO-SIMBA run Cui, Weiguang; Dave, R.; Knebe, A.; Rasia, E.; Gray, M.; Pearce, F.; Power, C.; Yepes, G, et al. 2022, MNRAS, 514, 977C

70 Shocks in the Stacked Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Profiles of Clusters II: Measurements from SPT-SZ + Planck Compton-y Map Anbajagane, D.; Chang, C.; Jain, B.; Adhikari, S.; Baxter, E. J.; Benson, B. A.; Bleem, L. E.; Bocquet, S.; Calzadilla, M. S.; Carlstrom, J. E.; Chang, C. L.; Chown, R.; Crawford, T. M.; Crites, A. T.; Cui, W.; and 31 co-authors, 2022, MNRAS, 514, 1645A

69 Brightest cluster galaxies trace weak lensing mass bias and halo triaxiality in the three hundred project Herbonnet, R.; Crawford, A.; Avestruz, C.; Rasia, E.; Giocoli, C.; Meneghetti, M.; von der Linden, A.; Cui, W.; Yepes, G., 2022, MNRAS, 513, 2178H

68 Chameleon screening depends on the shape and structure of NFW halos Tamosiunas, A.; Briddon, C.; Burrage, C.; Cui, W.; Moss, A., 2022, JCAP, 04, 047T

67 Cosmic filaments delay quenching inside clusters Kotecha, S.; Welker, C.; Zhou, Z.; et al., 2022, MNRAS, 512, 926

66 The three hundred project: galaxy cluster mergers and their impact on the stellar component of brightest cluster galaxies Contreras-Santos, A.; Knebe, A.; Pearce, F.; Haggar, R.; Gray, M.; Cui, W.; Yepes, G.; De Petris, M.; De Luca, F.; Power, C.; Mostoghiu, R.; Nuza, S.~E.; Hoeft, M., 2022, MNRAS, 511, 2897

65 The Three Hundred Project: Dissecting the Fundamental Plane of galaxy clusters up to z = 1 Díaz-García, L.~A.; Umetsu, K.; Rasia, E.; Cui, W.; Meneghetti, M., 2022, MNRAS, 512, 1214D

64 Galaxy velocity bias in cosmological simulations: towards per cent-level calibration Anbajagane, D.; Aung, H.; Evrard, A.~E.; Farahi, A.; Nagai, D.; Barnes, D.~J.; Cui, W.; Dolag, K.; McCarthy, I. G.; Rasia, E.; Yepes, G., 2022, MNRAS, 510, 2980A

63. An inventory of galaxies in cosmic filaments feeding galaxy clusters: galaxy groups, backsplash galaxies, and pristine galaxies Kuchner, U.; Haggar, R.; Aragón-Salamanca, A.; Pearce, F.~R.; Gray, M.~E.; Rost, A.; Cui, Weiguang; Knebe, A.; Yepes, G., 2022, MNRAS, 510, 581K

--- 2021 (16 papers) ---

62. Shocks in the stacked Sunyaev-Zel’dovich profiles of clusters - I. Analysis with the Three Hundred simulations Baxter, E~J.; Adhikari, S.; Vega-Ferrero, J.; Cui, Weiguang; Chang, C.; Jain, B.; Knebe, A., 2021, MNRAS, 508, 1777B

61. The thermalization of massive galaxy clusters Sereno, M.; Lovisari, L.; Cui, W.; Schellenberger, G., 2021, MNRAS, 507, 5214S

60. * The origin of galaxy colour bimodality in the scatter of the Stellar-to-Halo Mass Relation Cui, W.; Davé, R.; Peacock, J. A.; Anglés-Alcázar, D.; Yang, X., 2021, Nature Astronomy,

59. Does concentration drive the scatter in the stellar-to-halo mass relation of galaxy clusters? Zu, Y.; Shan, H.; Zhang, J.; Singh, S.; Shao, Z.; Chen, X.; Yao, J.; Golden-Marx, J. B.; Cui, W.; Jullo, E.; Kneib, J.-P.; Zhang, P.; Yang, X., 2021, MNRAS, 505, 5117

58. CLUMP-3D: the lack of non-thermal motions in galaxy cluster cores Sayers, J.; Sereno, M.; Ettori, S.; Rasia, E.; Cui, W.; Golwala, S.; Umetsu, K.; Yepes, G. 2021, MNRAS, 505, 4338

57. What to expect from dynamical modelling of cluster haloes I. The information content of different dynamical tracers Li, Q.; Han, J.; Wang, W.; Cui, W.; Li, Z.; Yang, X. 2021, MNRAS 505, 3907

56. The Three Hundred Project: The stellar angular momentum evolution of cluster galaxies Mostoghiu, R.; Knebe, A.; Pearce, F.~R.; Power, C.; Lagos, C. D. P.; Cui, W.; Borgani, S.; Dolag, K.; Murante, G.; Yepes, G. 2021, A&A 652A, 10M

55. The Three Hundred project: dynamical state of galaxy clusters and morphology from multiwavelength synthetic maps De Luca, F.; De Petris, M.; Yepes, G.; Cui, W.; Knebe, A.; Rasia, E. 2021, MNRAS, 504, 5383D

54. Hybrid analytic and machine-learned baryonic property insertion into galactic dark matter haloes Moews, B.; Davé, R.; Mitra, S.; Hassan, S.; Cui, W. 2021, MNRAS, 504, 4024M

53. Cosmic filaments in galaxy cluster outskirts: quantifying finding filaments in redshift space Kuchner, U.; Aragón-Salamanca, A.; Rost, A.; Pearce, F.-R.; Gray, M.-E.; Cui, W.; Knebe, A.; Rasia, E.; Yepes, G., 2021, MNRAS, 503, 2065K

52. Exploring the hydrostatic mass bias in MUSIC clusters: application to the NIKA2 mock sample Gianfagna, G.; De Petris, M.; Yepes, G.; De Luca, F.; Sembolini, F.; Cui, W.; Biffi, V.; Kéruzoré, F.; Macías-Pérez, J.; Mayet, F.; Perotto, L.; Rasia, E.; Ruppin, F., 2021, MNRAS, 502, 5115G

51. The Three Hundred Project: The gas disruption of infalling objects in cluster environments Mostoghiu, R.; Arthur, J.; Pearce, F.; Gray, M.; Knebe, A.; Cui, W.; Welker, C.; Cora, S.; Murante, G.; Dolag, K.; Yepes, G., 2021, MNRAS, 501, 5029M

50. The Three Hundred Project: quest of clusters of galaxies morphology and dynamical state through Zernike polynomials Capalbo, V.; De Petris, M.; De Luca, F.; Cui, W.; Yepes, G.; Knebe, A.; Rasia, E., 2021, MNRAS, 503, 6155C

49. The ThreeHundred: the structure and properties of cosmic filaments in the outskirts of galaxy clusters Rost, A.; Kuchner, U.; Welker, C.; Pearce, F.; Stasyszyn, F.; Gray, M.; Cui, W.; Dave, R.; Knebe, A.; Yepes, G.; Rasia, E., 2021, MNRAS, 502, 714R

48. The specific star formation rate function at different mass scales and quenching: A comparison between cosmological models and SDSS Katsianis, A.; Xu, H.; Yang, X.; Luo, Y.; Cui, W.; Davé, R.; Lagos, C.D.P.; Zheng, X.; Zhao, P., 2021, MNRAS, 500, 2036

47. Constraining the cross-section of dark matter with giant radial arcs in galaxy clusters Vega-Ferrero, J.; Dana, J. M.; Diego, J. M.; Yepes, G.; Cui, W.; Meneghetti, M., 2021, MNRAS, 500 247

--- 2020 (8 papers) ---

46. Do model emission line galaxies live in filaments at z ∼ 1? Gonzalez-Perez, V.; Cui, W.; Contreras, S.; Baugh, C. M.; Comparat, J.; Griffin, A. J.; Helly, J.; Knebe, A.; Lacey, C.; Norberg, P., 2020, MNRAS, 498, 1852G.

45. * Protoclusters at z = 5.7: a view from the MultiDark galaxies Cui, Weiguang; Qiao, Jiaqi; Davé, Romeel; Knebe, Alexander; Peacock, John A.; Yepes, Gustavo, 2020, MNRAS, 497, 5220C.

44. The Three Hundred project: shapes and radial alignment of satellite, infalling, and backsplash galaxies Knebe, Alexander; Gámez-Marín, Matías; Pearce, Frazer R.; Cui, Weiguang; Hoffmann, Kai; De Petris, Marco; Power, Chris; Haggar, Roan; Mostoghiu, Robert, 2020, MNRAS, 495, 3002K

43. The Three Hundred project: the stellar and gas profiles Li, Qingyang; Cui, Weiguang; Yang, Xiaohu; Rasia, Elena; Dave, Romeel; De Petris, Marco; Knebe, Alexander; Peacock, John A.; Pearce, Frazer; Yepes, Gustavo, 2020, MNRAS, 495, 2930L

42. Mapping and characterization of cosmic filaments in galaxy cluster outskirts: strategies and forecasts for observations from simulations Kuchner, Ulrike; Aragón-Salamanca, Alfonso; Pearce, Frazer R.; Gray, Meghan E.; Rost, Agustín; Mu, Chunliang; Welker, Charlotte; Cui, Weiguang; Haggar, Roan; Laigle, Clotilde; Knebe, Alexander; Kraljic, Katarina; Sarron, Florian; Yepes, Gustavo, 2020, MNRAS, 494, 5473K

41. THETHREEHUNDRED project: backsplash galaxies in simulations of clusters Haggar, Roan; Gray, Meghan E.; Pearce, Frazer R.; Knebe, Alexander; Cui, Weiguang; Mostoghiu, Robert; Yepes, Gustavo, 2020, MNRAS, 492, 6074H

40. The Three Hundred Project: correcting for the hydrostatic-equilibrium mass bias in X-ray and SZ surveys Ansarifard, S.; Rasia, E.; Biffi, V.; Borgani, S.; Cui, Weiguang; De Petris, M.; Dolag, K.; Ettori, S.; Movahed, S. M. S.; Murante, G.; Yepes, G., 2020, A\&A, 634A, 113A

39. nIFTy galaxy cluster simulations VI: the dynamical imprint of substructure on gaseous cluster outskirts. Power, C.; Elahi, P. J.; Welker, C.; Knebe, A.; Pearce, F. R.; Yepes, G.; Davé, R.; Kay, S. T.; McCarthy, I. G.; Puchwein, E.; Borgani, S.; Cunnama, D.; Cui, Weiguang; Schaye, J., 2020, MNRAS, 491, 3923P

--- 2019 (5 papers) ---

38. A semi-analytical perspective on massive galaxies at z ~ 0.55 Stoppacher, D.; Prada, F.; Montero-Dorta, A. D.; Rodríguez-Torres, S.; Knebe, A.; Favole, G.; Cui, Weiguang; Benson, A. J.; Behrens, C.; Klypin, A. A., 2019, MNRAS, 486, 1316S

37. * The large-scale environment from cosmological simulations II: The redshift evolution and distributions of baryons Cui, Weiguang; Knebe, A.; Libeskind, N. I.; Planelles, S.; Yang, X.; Cui, W.; Davé, R.; Kang, X.; Mostoghiu, R.; Staveley-Smith, L.; Wang, H.; Wang, P.; Yepes, G., 2019, MNRAS, 485, 2367C

36. The Three Hundred Project: ram pressure and gas content of haloes and subhaloes in the phase-space plane Arthur, Jake; Pearce, Frazer R.; Gray, Meghan E.; Knebe, Alexander; Cui, Weiguang; Elahi, Pascal J.; Power, Chris; Yepes, Gustavo; Arth, Alexander; De Petris, Marco; Dolag, Klaus; Garratt-Smithson, Lilian; Old, Lyndsay J.; Rasia, Elena; Stevens, Adam R. H., 2019, MNRAS, 484, 3968A

35. The Three Hundred Project: The evolution of galaxy cluster density profiles Mostoghiu, Robert; Knebe, Alexander; Cui, Weiguang; Pearce, Frazer R.; Yepes, Gustavo; Power, Chris; Dave, Romeel; Arth, Alexander, 2019, MNRAS, 483, 3990

34. The minimum and maximum gravitational-wave background from supermassive binary black holes Zhu, Xing-Jiang; Cui, Weiguang and Thrane, Eric, 2019, MNRAS, 482, 2588

--- 2018 (9 papers) ---

33. The Three Hundred Project: The influence of environment on simulated galaxy properties Wang, Yang; Pearce, Frazer R.; Knebe, Alexander; Yepes, Gustavo; Cui, Weiguang and 6 co-authors. 2018, ApJ, 868, 130W

32. * The Three Hundred project: a large catalogue of theoretically modelled galaxy clusters for cosmological and astrophysical applications Cui, Weiguang and 36 co-authors. 2018, MNRAS, 480, 2898

31. Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect in rotating galaxy clusters from MUSIC simulations Baldi, Anna Silvia; De Petris, Marco; Sembolini, Federico; Yepes, Gustavo; Cui, Weiguang and Lamagna, Luca. 2018, MNRAS, 479, 4028.

30. ELUCID V. Lighting dark matter halos with galaxies Yang, Xiaohu; Zhang, Youcai; Wang, Huiyuan; Liu, Chengze; Lu, Tianhuan; Li, Shijie; Shi, Feng; Jing, Y. P.; Mo, H. J.; van den Bosch, Frank C.; Kang, Xi; Cui, Weiguang and 7 co-authors. 2018, ApJ, 860, 30.

29. Full-sky ray tracing simulation of weak lensing: investigation on galaxy intrinsic alignment and shear correlation function. Wei, C.; Li, G.; Kang, X.; Luo, Y.; Xia, Q.; Wang, P.; Yang, X.; Wang, H.; Jing, Y.; Mo, H.; Lin, W.; Wang, Y.; Li, S.; Lu, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Lim, S.H.; Tweed, D. and Cui, Weiguang. 2018, ApJ, 853, 25.

28. An Investigation of intra-cluster light evolution using cosmological hydro-dynamical simulations Tang, Lin; Lin, WeiPeng; Cui, Weiguang; Kang, Xi; Wang, Yang; Contini, Emanuele and Yu, Yu. 2018, ApJ, 859, 85.

27. Cosmic CARNage I: on the calibration of galaxy formation models Knebe, A.; Pearce, F.~R.; Gonzalez-Perez, V.; Thomas, P.~A.; Benson, A.; Asquith, R.; Blaizot, J.; Bower, R.; Carretero, J.; Castander, F.~J.; Cattaneo, A.; Cora, S~A.; Croton, D.; Cui, Weiguang and 20 co-authors. 2018, MNRAS 475, 2936.

26. ELUCID IV: Galaxy Quenching and its Relation to Halo Mass, Environment, and Assembly Bias. Wang, H.; Mo, H.; Chen, S.; Yang, Y.; Yang, X.; Wang, E.; van den Bosch, F.~C.; Jing, Y.; Kang, X.; Lin, W.; Lim, S.~H.; Huang, S.; Lu, Y.; Li, S.; Cui, Weiguang and 5 co-authors. 2018, ApJ, 852, 31.

25. * The large-scale environment from cosmological simulations I: The baryonic cosmic web ( my large-scale environment project paper I ) Cui, Weiguang; Knebe, Alexander; Yepes, Gustavo; Yang, Xiaohu; Borgani, Stefano; Kang, Xi; Power, Chris and Staveley-Smith, Lister. 2018, MNRAS, 473, 68.

--- 2017 (4 papers) ---

24. nIFTy Cosmology: the clustering consistency of galaxy formation models Pujol, A.; Skibba, R.~A.; Gaztanaga, E.; Benson, A.; Blaizot, J.; Bower, R.; Carretero, J.; Castander, F.~J.; Cattaneo, A.; Cora, S.~A.; Croton, D.~J.; Cui, Weiguang and 26 co-authors. 2017, MNRAS, 469, 749.

23. ELUCID – Exploring the Local Universe with the reConstructed Initial Density field II: Reconstruction Diagnostics, Applied to Numerical Halo Catalogs Tweed, D.; Yang, X.; Wang, H.; Cui, Weiguang; Zhang, Y.; Li, S.; Jing, Y.P. and Mo, H.J. 2017, ApJ, 841, 55.

22. * On the dynamical state of galaxy clusters: insights from cosmological simulations - II ( my MACRO project paper II ) Cui, Weiguang; Power, Chris; Borgani, Stefano; Knebe, Alexander; Murante, Giuseppe; Lewis, Geraint F. and Poole, Gregory B. 2017, MNRAS, 464, 2502C.

21. nIFTy galaxy cluster simulations V: Comparison of the Cluster Infall Region Arthur, Jake; Pearce, Frazer R.; Gray, Meghan E.; Elahi, Pascal J.; Knebe, Alexander; Beck, Alexander M.; Cui, Weiguang and 15 co-authors. 2017, MNRAS, 464, 2027A

--- 2016 (5 papers) ---

20. * nIFTy Galaxy Cluster simulations IV: Quantifying the Influence of Baryons on Halo Properties Cui, Weiguang; Power, Chris; Knebe, Alexander; Kay, Scott T.; Sembolini, Federico; Elahi, Pascal J.; Yepes, Gustavo; Pearce, Frazer and 16 co-authors. 2016, MNRAS, 458, 4052C

19. nIFTY galaxy cluster simulations III: The Similarity & Diversity of Galaxies & Subhaloes Elahi, Pascal J.; Knebe, Alexander; Power, Chris; Pearce, Frazer R.; Yepes, Gustavo; Cui, Weiguang and 14 co-authors. 2016, MNRAS, 458, 1096E

18. nIFTy galaxy cluster simulations II: radiative models Sembolini, Federico; Elahi, Pascal Jahan; Pearce, Frazer R.; Power, Chris; Knebe, Alexander; Kay, Scott T.; Cui, Weiguang and 16 co-authors. 2016, MNRAS, 459, 2973S

17. nIFTy galaxy cluster simulations I: dark matter \& non-radiative models Sembolini, Federico; Yepes, Gustavo; Pearce, Frazer R.; Knebe, Alexander; Kay, Scott T.; Power, Chris; Cui, Weiguang and 22 co-authors. 2016, MNRAS, 457, 4063S

16. * How does our choice of observable influence our estimation of the centre of a galaxy cluster? Insights from cosmological simulations. (my MACRO project paper I) Cui, Weiguang; Power, Chris; Biffi, Veronica; Borgani, Stefano; Murante, Giuseppe; Fabjan, Dunja; Knebe, Alexander; Lewis, Geraint F. and Poole, Gregory B. 2016, MNRAS, 456, 2566C

--- 2015 (2 papers) ---

15. nIFTy Cosmology: Comparison of Galaxy Formation Models Knebe, A.; Pearce, F.~R.; Thomas, P.~A.; Benson, A.; Blaizot, J.; Bower, R.; Carretero, J.; Castander, F.~J.; Cattaneo, A.; Cora, S. A.; Croton, D. J.; Cui, Weiguang and 24 co-authors. 2015, MNRAS, 451, 4029K

14. The source-lens clustering effect in the context of lensing tomography and its self-calibration. Yu, Yu; Zhang, Pengjie; Lin, Weipeng and Cui, Weiguang. 2015, ApJ, 803, 46Y

--- 2014 (3 papers) ---

13. * The effect of active galactic nuclei feedback on the halo mass function. Cui, Weiguang; Borgani, Stefano and Murante, Giuseppe. 2014, MNRAS, 441, 1769C

12. Intracluster light properties in the CLASH-VLT cluster MACS J1206.2-0847. Presotto, V.; Girardi, M.; Nonino, M.; Mercurio, A.; Grillo, C.; Rosati, P.; Biviano, A.; Annunziatella, M.; Balestra, I.; Cui, Weiguang and 39 co-authors. 2014, A\&A, 565A, 126P

11. * Characterising Diffused Stellar Light in Simulated Galaxy Clusters from Two Views. Cui, Weiguang; Murante, G.; Monaco, P.; Borgani, S.; Granato, G.L.; Killedar, M.; De Lucia, G.; Presotto, V. and Dolag, K. 2014, MNRAS, 437, 816C

--- 2013 (2 papers) ---

10. Brightest cluster galaxies in cosmological simulations: achievements and limitations of AGN feedback models. Ragone-Figueroa, Cinthia; Granato, Gian Luigi; Murante, Giuseppe; Borgani, Stefano and Cui, Weiguang. 2013, MNRAS, 436, 1750R

9. Nonlinearities in modified gravity cosmology. II. Impacts of modified gravity on the halo properties. Zhang, Youcai; Zhang, Pengjie; Yang, Xiaohu and Cui, Weiguang. 2013, PhRvD, 87b, 3521Z

--- 2012 (3 papers) ---

8. * The halo mass function in interacting dark energy models. Cui, Weiguang; Baldi, Marco and Borgani, Stefano. 2012, MNRAS, 424, 993C

7. Gaussianizing the non-Gaussian lensing convergence field II. The applicability to noisy data. Yu, Yu; Zhang, Pengjie; Lin, Weipeng; Cui, Weiguang and Fry, James N. 2012, PhRvD, 86b, 3515Y

6. * The effects of baryons on the halo mass function. Cui, Weiguang; Borgani, Stefano; Dolag, Klaus; Murante, Giuseppe and Tornatore, Luca. 2012, MNRAS, 423, 2279C

--- 2011 (3 papers) ---

5. * Modified Gravity (MG) on Nonlinear Scale. Cui, Weiguang. 2011, Progress in Astronomy, 29, 2

4. Gaussianizing the non-Gaussian lensing convergence field: The performance of the Gaussianization. Yu, Yu; Zhang, Pengjie; Lin, Weipeng; Cui, Weiguang and Fry, James N. 2011, PhRvD, 84b, 3523Y

3. * Properties of fossil groups in cosmological simulations and galaxy formation models. Cui, Weiguang; Springel, Volker; Yang, Xiaohu; De Lucia, Gabriella and Borgani, Stefano. 2011, MNRAS, 416, 2997C

--- 2010 (1 papers) ---

2. * Nonlinearities in modified gravity cosmology: Signatures of modified gravity in the nonlinear matter power spectrum. Cui, Weiguang; Zhang, Pengjie and Yang, Xiaohu. 2010, PhRvD, 81j, 3528C

--- 2008 (1 papers) ---

1. * An Ideal Mass Assignment Scheme for Measuring the Power Spectrum with Fast Fourier Transforms. Cui, Weiguang; Liu, Lei; Yang, Xiaohu; Wang, Yu; Feng, Longlong and Springel, Volker. 2008, ApJ, 687, 738C

Books and Book Chapters:

1. * The Impact of Baryons on the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe Cui, Weiguang and Zhang, Youcai. 2017, Chapter 7 for book “Trends in Modern Cosmology”, ISBN 978-953-51-5426-6. See this arXiv link for the updated version.

Unreferenced Publications:

17. Simba-C: chemical and thermal profiles in the intragroup medium with an updated chemical enrichment model Padawer-Blatt, A.; Hough, R.; Shao, Z.; et al., 2024, EAS2024, 372P

16. Artificial intelligence applications in The Three Hundred Simulation project de Andres Hernandez, D.; Yepes, G.; Cui, W.; De Petris, M., 2024, EAS2024, 2388D

15. 3D scaling laws and projection effects in The300-NIKA2 Sunyaev-Zeldovich Large Program Twin Samples Paliwal, A.; Cui, W. and 11 more, 2024, EPJWC, 29300037P

14. Impact of filaments on galaxy cluster properties in The Three Hundred simulation Santoni, S.; De Petris, M.; Ferragamo, A.; Yepes, G. and Cui, W., 2024, EPJWC, 29300048S

13. The Three Hundred-NIKA2 Sunyaev-Zeldovich Large Program twin samples: Synthetic clusters to support real observations Paliwal, A.; Artis, E.; Cui, W. and 12 more, 2022, EPJWC, 25700036P

12. THE THREE HUNDRED project: Contrasting clusters galaxy density in hydrodynamical and dark matter only simulations Jiménez Muñoz, A.; Macías-Pérez, J. F.; Cui, W. and 3 more, 2022, EPJWC, 25700022J

11. The hydrostatic mass bias in THE THREE HUNDRED clusters Gianfagna, Giulia; Rasia, Elena; Cui, Weiguang, and 2 more, 2022, EPJWC, 25700020G

10. Velocity dispersion vs cluster mass: A new scaling law with THE THREE HUNDRED clusters Ferragamo, Antonio; De Petris, Marco; Yepes, Gustavo, Macías-Pérez, Juan; Cui, Weiguang; Jiménez-Muñoz, Alejandroand, 2022, EPJWC, 25700018F

9. Mass Estimation of Planck Galaxy Clusters using Deep Learning de Andres, Daniel; Cui, Weiguang; Ruppin, Florian and 6 more, 2022, EPJWC, 25700013D

8. The THREEHUNDRED project: The effect of baryon processes at galaxy cluster scale Cui, Weiguang, 2022, EPJWC, 25700011C

7. Morphological analysis of SZ and X-ray maps of galaxy clusters with Zernike polynomials Capalbo, Valentina; De Petris, Marco; De Luca, Federico; Cui, Weiguang and 5 more,2022, EPJWC, 25700008C

6. Simulated galaxy clusters show complexity of identifying centre Cui, Weiguang. 2015, CAASTRO News \& CAASTRO reader’s digests

5. The effect of AGN feedback on the halo mass function. Cui, Weiguang. 2014, CAASTRO Newsletter, 10

4. PIAO: Python spherIcAl Overdensity code Cui, Weiguang. 2014, Astrophysics Source Code Library, record ascl:1412.007

3. Piao & Effects of Baryons on Halo Mass Function Revisit: Including AGN Cui, Weiguang and Borgani, S. 2013tcec.confE..39C

2. Are the Einstein Radii of Galaxy Clusters Consistent with LCDM? Killedar, M.; Borgani, S.; Fabjan, D.; Meneghetti, M.; Planelles, S. and Cui, Weiguang. 2013tcec.confE…3K

1. Properties of fossil groups in cosmological simulations and galaxy formation models. Cui, Weiguang; Springel, V.; Yang, X.; De Lucia, G. and Borgani, S., 2011gafo.confP.168C