1. Wrapping the abstract to the second page

    To wrapping the abstract to the second page because of very long list of co-authors and affiliations, add \clearpage after the ‘\maketitle’.

  2. Including long list of authors

    \author[Cui et al.]{\parbox{\textwidth}{
    Weiguang Cui,$^{1}$\thanks{E-mail: weiguang.cui@uam.es}
    Long list authors \newline
    \emph{\normalsize Affiliations are listed at the end of the paper}
  3. For the Affiliations at the end of the paper, just go to the end of the paper and add a new section like this:

    $^1$Departamento de F\'isica Te\'{o}rica, Universidad Aut\'{o}noma de Madrid, 28049 Madrid, Spain\\
    $^2$All the other addresses\\